condition modules
1. Simple hierarchical select
- Create a new field (type "Term reference") and select "Simple hierarchical select" as widget type.
- "Allow creating new terms"
Terms may be created directly from within the dropdowns (user needs to have permission to create terms in the vocabulary).
2. cash on delivery extra cost Ubercart Payment Method Adjustments
How to use this module Ubercart Simple Discount
1. Install and enable as usual.
2. Create a new rule for the Cart event "Cart's product is being altered.".
3. Add the conditions you need, this module adds a new one called "Check a cart's subtotal" that you can use to check cart subtotal.
4. Add the action "Apply a discount to the cart product" and select the discount amount you want to use.
There's also a settings page at admin/store/settings/uc_simple_discount that allows you to:
- Show discount information on its own on cart and checkout pages (the name of the rule configured above will be used).
- Extra discount definitions that can be used in admin created orders. drupal 7 ubercart drupal 8 commerce drupal 7 commerceks drupal 8 ubercart drupal 7 commerce
Ubercart Custom Price
$item->price = $item->price;
if ($item->qty > 5) {
$item->price = [cost] * 1.1;
If more than 5 items are ordered, set the product price to a 10% mark-up of the product cost. Product tokens are exposed to this code so things like [cost], [sell_price], [weight], [weight-raw], etc. can be used.
$item->price = $item->price;
if (date('j', time()) == '1') {
$item->price = $item->price/2;
Ubercart Price list
use SKU oil-05
echo "anonymous user=訪客 authenticated user=會員";
echo "<div><strong> 帳號權限: </strong></div>";
global $user;
foreach($user->roles as $role) {
echo "<div>" .$role."</div>";
price per role依權限設價格
Enable roles that require separate pricing. For users with more than one matching role, the lightest weight role that has a price available will be used.
設定 選取價格之優先順序 依 角色